DATA STAGE Course Content
Datastage is an ETL tool and it is part of the IBM Information Platforms Solutions suite and IBM InfoSphere. It uses a graphical notation to construct data integration solutions and is available in different versions such as the Server Edition, Enterprise Edition, and the MVS Edition. It is capable of integrating data on demand across multiple and high volumes of data sources and target applications using a high performance parallel framework.
Training Objectives of DataStage:
DataStage provides the ability to perform extract, transform, and load (ETL) operations from multiple sources to multiple targets, including DB2 for z/OS. It supports the collection, transformation and integration of high volumes of data, with data structures ranging from simple to highly complex. It gives developers maximum speed, flexibility and effectiveness in building, deploying, updating and managing the data integration infrastructure.
Target Students and Prerequisites:
Students must have Knowledge in SQL and PL/SQL and Basic Knowledge required on UNIX Shell Script.
- Introduction about Data Stage
- Difference between Server Jobs and Parallel Jobs
- Difference between Pipeline Parallelisms
- Partition techniques (Round Robin, Random, Hash, Entire, Same, Modules,Range,DB2,Auto)
- Configuration File
- Difference between SMP/MPD architecture
- Data Stage Components (Server components/Client Components)
- Package Installer
Data Stage Administrator
- Creating project, Editing project and Deleting project
- Permissions to user
- .Apt Config file
- Environment variable creation, permission
Data stage director
- Introduction to Data stage Director
- Job status View
- View logs
- Scheduling
- Batches Creation
- Introduction about Designer
- Repository
- Palatte
- Types of Links
- File Stages
- Sequential File
- Data set File
- Lookup file set
- Difference between Sequential file/Dataset/File set
- Database stages
- Dynamic RDBMS
- Oracle Enterprise
- ODBC Enterprise
- Stored Procedure
Processing stages
- Change Capture (Caption)
- Compare stage
- Difference Stage
- Aggregate Stage
- Transformer Stage
- Surrogate Generator Stage
- Join Generator Stage
- Merge Generator Stage
- Lookup Generator Stage
- Difference between join/Lookup/Merge
- Difference between join/Lookup
- Remove Duplicates
- Switch
- Pivot
- Modify
- Funnel
Debugging stage
- Head
- Tail
- Pea
- Row Generator
- Column Generator
- Sample
- Job Parameters
- Introduction About Data stage Manager
- Importing the Job
- Exporting the Job
- Importing Table Definition
- Importing Flat File Definition
- Routines
- Difference between Local Container and Shared Container
- Local Container
- Shared Container